

My name is Anatoliy Savchenko & I am an aspiring programmer from Toronto. I began studying coding at the early age of 13 and have been fascinated with technology ever since. A couple friends and I decided to learn Java for some ungodly reason and naturally it did not yield any fruitful results. For a long time I learned and re-learned intro to programming without making anything, ultimately this resulted in becoming well-versed in programming methodology but a lack in syntax proficiency in any given language. I finally realized that project-based learning is the only real way to learn programming, after all why learn programming if you're not building something?

I am currently working on completing a diploma in business administration from Humber College and then will pursue a Bachelor's in Technolog Management from Ryerson University. I also have completed a number of self-guided courses in programming, most notably Free Code Camp's front-end certificate as well as Harvard's notorious CS50 course.

I am passionate about merging finance and technology. I am currently working for KPMG as a tax associate which has been giving me the opportunity to explore finance and automate various business tasks. I aspire to dive into software development at a financial company and have unique skills that will help me excel in such a role. I am also eager to take on various side-projects that will populate this site over-time, as well as accompanying tutorials & progress posts.

Let's connect!

